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hhhhhhi name is Ellipsis (pronounced ee-lip-sis or el-ip-sis)(nOT ELLIPSEEZ)


[llook they naemd a shape after me] [i loev boiling lines]

Quizzes n stuff

zooming in reccomended xwo

About Me (New Version) VERY LONG
by hilabental
Full Name?: Ellipsis Starlight
Who picked your name?: a certain idiot
Birthdate?: Oct 25 (WINDOWS XP RELEASE DAY)
Current city?: Bellevue
Hair color?: Black
Eye color?: Dark brown
Favorite feature?: Sharp nails
Do you have long/short hair?: Never past the shoulders...
Favorite color?: Black, red & yellow
Favorite song currently?: I Kno- Thiswillmakejacobmad
Favorite time of day?: When it's dark; I struggle to express how happy I get when I see the streetlights against pitch black
Favorite season?: Torn between summer (hot) and winter (dark)
Do you have any piercings?: no
Do you want more? where?: no
Do you have any tattoos?: no
Do you want any more?: not really
Least favorite food?: Pasta w/tomato sauce, lasagna, enchiladas, etc.
Favorite beverage?: Lemony sugary stuff
Drink regularly (once a week or more): mmmmm water
Used drugs?: it's called 'the walten files'
Drink coffee?: no
Vegetarian\vegan?: no, would be pescatarian at most
Sexual orientation?: Apothisexual (repulsed)
If you had to change your hair color, what would you change it to?: Very very very dark gray
Know any other languages (except English)?: 一点中文
Want to learn more? which?: German, Latin, Polish, Japanese, Russian, Korean
Best subject at school?: imagine being able to confidently answer this question
Least favorite?: Language arts & gym
Heritage?: Filipino/misc. white
What is your bedtime?: Around 12am
What social networks are you on?: Artfol, Mastodon
Play any instruments?: Double bass
Want to learn more?: Hands are too small & nails are too long for piano
Strawberries/bananas?: Funfact, I have always hated the taste of banana
Spring/fall?: Same dilemma w/ summer & winter
Single/dating?: oh ew
Big/small boobs?: Flatchested, I hate boobs lmfao
Wedding/no wedding?: Dear god no
Country/r&b?: idk wat these are
Science/history?: History only cause I like reading about the holocaust and other unethical stuff
Clubs/house parties?: nooooooo
Beach Boys/The Beatles?: what
Heels/flats?: Flats
Red/pink?: Red
Dreams/daydreams?: Dreams
Bus/train?: Bus, both are kool tho
Ice cream/sorbet?: Ice cream
Color/black tattoos?: Black
Gum/mints?: Mints (misophonia intensifies)
December/July?: December
Necklaces/bracelets?: Necklace
Tall/short?: Idc in other people, I'd hate being taller than 5' cause I'd feel more existent
Volleyball/soccer?: Soccer is easier to avoid participating in
Reading/writing?: Reading
Guitar/piano?: Piano is my favorite instrument...
Eye makeup/lip makeup?: Eye
Xbox/playstation?: Playstation
Europe/America?: Well I'm stuck here so...
Pop/rock?: I have some songs saved that could be considered rock ig
Sweats/jeans?: I own a grand total of zero pairs of pants
Flowers/chocolates?: Chocolates
Dubstep/pop?: Man, I wonder...
Department stores/thrift shops?: Thrift, especially after I did a school project on fast fashion...
Cap/wide rimmed hat?: Cap I think
West/east coast? (USA): I live on the west coast and ngl I like it here so...
Christmas/halloween?: Halloween, I like walking around at night
iPhone/Android?: I use iphone unfortunately, hoping to change that when my current one dies
Hats/scarves?: Scarves
Friends/lovers?: Friends (wtf)
City/suburbs?: Suburbs
Black and white/color photography?: Both are cool
Miami/LA?: what are these
Soup/salad?: Salad
Take this survey | Find surveys

Which EDM Genre Would You Be?
Your Result: Drum and Bass!
You're very emotional and neurotic (see what I did there?). You likely have a large group of friends and colleagues. You fall in love easily and are subject to heartbreak often. You're nostalgic and self-reflective. Your biggest strength is your intellect, and your biggest weakness is handling your emotions poorly.
Hard Dance!
Which EDM Genre Would You Be?

Music survey because music is the best!!
1. what's your favorite band or artist?
 Bossfight, I guess
2. what's your favorite album by your favorite artist?
 Agony District
4. what's your favorite song by your favorite artist?
 Warp, probably
6. what's your favorite genre?
 Early 2010's dubstep/similar genres
15. what's your favorite band name? (not your favorite band's name, your favorite name a band has)
 I think Pixel Terror & Barely Alive sound cool
19. be honest, have you ever started listening to a band because a member of it was hot?
 I haven't seen the faces of most artists I listen to so no
26. do you care more about lyrics or sound?
 Definitley sound but if the lyrics are too horny then I'll stop listening to it
28. favorite game soundtrack?
 MARIKINonline4 but also technically JSAB even tho I haven't played it, ik lots of tracks I already like are in it
30. are you active in the fanbase for any bands/artists?
35. do you have any songs so strongly associated with something/someone that you cant think of anythign else when you listen to it?
 A lot of them but I think my favorite is Pendulum- Propane Nightmares/Visions cause it reminds me of a time when I was less anhedonic
41. whos ur musician celebrity crush?
44. have you ever been compared to any musicians? if you have, do you see it or not?
 No, but am very scared someone will compare me to Bossfight cause of the spiral-eyed cat faces
46. favorite lyrics of all time?
 I like lots of Kaneda7's involving gore/violence, "search party's gonna be so disappointed, when they find you in 2 different places" & "if her body went through a woodchipper there'd be no difference" xwx ...also, basically all the samples in dubstep, especially Virtual Riot/Skrillex
47. favorite album cover?
 All of I Kno's recent covers and all of Kaneda7's old covers
49. favorite song title? (not title of your favorite song, favorite title a song has)
 "I hope you haven't killed him", "Backward country boy explosion" & "My gums bleed for this type of shit"
And last but not least
50. worst song youve ever heard ? like a song that made you want to claw ur eardrums out and hit every nearby speaker with a sledgehammer until they were shattered to the point of being dust


Your rainbow is strongly shaded gray.


What is says about you: You are an elegant person. You appreciate tradition and wisdom that comes with age. You depend on modern technology and may feel uncomfortable without it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Which is Your Morality Alignment?
Your Result: Chaotic Evil
You seek to bring about pure anarchy, preferably with a high body count. You may receive some odd pleasure from watching a city burn to ash, or the sound of screams interrupted by gunfire; or, you may have lost all faith in the 'civility' of humanity, and advocate a return to the primordial brutality within everyone. Some may call you insane, which can lead to you thanking them, then killing them violently, making you the archetypal "annihilator".
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Neutral
True Neutral
Lawful Evil
Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral
Neutral Good
Lawful Good
Which is Your Morality Alignment?
Which Color Palette Suits Your Personality?
Your Result: Vampire Palette
Quite a dark turn in your personality, I assume. Well, I must be serious to suit this mood, I guess! Please take me seriously as I chant your palette's colors: dark grey, blood red, dark red, and medium grey. I guessed, so not everything is accurate. For that reason, you must visit this website called "Color Hunt." Trust me, it has really bloody colors.
Homey Palette
Tepid Palette
Fairy Palette
Beach Palette
City Palette
Unicorn Palette
Sunset Palette
Retro Palette
Tropical Palette
Which Color Palette Suits Your Personality?


