About Me (New Version) VERY LONG by hilabental |
Full Name?: | Ellipsis Starlight |
Who picked your name?: | a certain idiot |
Birthdate?: | Oct 25 (WINDOWS XP RELEASE DAY) |
Current city?: | Bellevue |
Hair color?: | Black |
Eye color?: | Dark brown |
Favorite feature?: | Sharp nails |
Do you have long/short hair?: | Never past the shoulders... |
Favorite color?: | Black, red & yellow |
Favorite song currently?: | I Kno- Thiswillmakejacobmad |
Favorite time of day?: | When it's dark; I struggle to express how happy I get when I see the streetlights against pitch black |
Favorite season?: | Torn between summer (hot) and winter (dark) |
Do you have any piercings?: | no |
Do you want more? where?: | no |
Do you have any tattoos?: | no |
Do you want any more?: | not really |
Least favorite food?: | Pasta w/tomato sauce, lasagna, enchiladas, etc. |
Favorite beverage?: | Lemony sugary stuff |
Drink regularly (once a week or more): | mmmmm water |
Used drugs?: | it's called 'the walten files' |
Drink coffee?: | no |
Vegetarian\vegan?: | no, would be pescatarian at most |
Sexual orientation?: | Apothisexual (repulsed) |
If you had to change your hair color, what would you change it to?: | Very very very dark gray |
Know any other languages (except English)?: | 一点ä¸ć–‡ |
Want to learn more? which?: | German, Latin, Polish, Japanese, Russian, Korean |
Best subject at school?: | imagine being able to confidently answer this question |
Least favorite?: | Language arts & gym |
Heritage?: | Filipino/misc. white |
What is your bedtime?: | Around 12am |
What social networks are you on?: | Artfol, Mastodon |
Play any instruments?: | Double bass |
Want to learn more?: | Hands are too small & nails are too long for piano |
       THIS OR THAT |
Strawberries/bananas?: | Funfact, I have always hated the taste of banana |
Spring/fall?: | Same dilemma w/ summer & winter |
Single/dating?: | oh ew |
Big/small boobs?: | Flatchested, I hate boobs lmfao |
Wedding/no wedding?: | Dear god no |
Country/r&b?: | idk wat these are |
Science/history?: | History only cause I like reading about the holocaust and other unethical stuff |
Clubs/house parties?: | nooooooo |
Beach Boys/The Beatles?: | what |
Heels/flats?: | Flats |
Red/pink?: | Red |
Dreams/daydreams?: | Dreams |
Bus/train?: | Bus, both are kool tho |
Ice cream/sorbet?: | Ice cream |
Color/black tattoos?: | Black |
Gum/mints?: | Mints (misophonia intensifies) |
December/July?: | December |
Necklaces/bracelets?: | Necklace |
Tall/short?: | Idc in other people, I'd hate being taller than 5' cause I'd feel more existent |
Volleyball/soccer?: | Soccer is easier to avoid participating in |
Reading/writing?: | Reading |
Guitar/piano?: | Piano is my favorite instrument... |
Eye makeup/lip makeup?: | Eye |
Xbox/playstation?: | Playstation |
Europe/America?: | Well I'm stuck here so... |
Pop/rock?: | I have some songs saved that could be considered rock ig |
Sweats/jeans?: | I own a grand total of zero pairs of pants |
Flowers/chocolates?: | Chocolates |
Dubstep/pop?: | Man, I wonder... |
Department stores/thrift shops?: | Thrift, especially after I did a school project on fast fashion... |
Cap/wide rimmed hat?: | Cap I think |
West/east coast? (USA): | I live on the west coast and ngl I like it here so... |
Christmas/halloween?: | Halloween, I like walking around at night |
iPhone/Android?: | I use iphone unfortunately, hoping to change that when my current one dies |
Hats/scarves?: | Scarves |
Friends/lovers?: | Friends (wtf) |
City/suburbs?: | Suburbs |
Black and white/color photography?: | Both are cool |
Miami/LA?: | what are these |
Soup/salad?: | Salad |
Take this survey | Find surveys |
Which EDM Genre Would You Be?
Your Result: Drum and Bass!
You're very emotional and neurotic (see what I did there?). You likely have a large group of friends and colleagues. You fall in love easily and are subject to heartbreak often. You're nostalgic and self-reflective. Your biggest strength is your intellect, and your biggest weakness is handling your emotions poorly.
Which is Your Morality Alignment?
Your Result: Chaotic Evil
You seek to bring about pure anarchy, preferably with a high body count. You may receive some odd pleasure from watching a city burn to ash, or the sound of screams interrupted by gunfire; or, you may have lost all faith in the 'civility' of humanity, and advocate a return to the primordial brutality within everyone. Some may call you insane, which can lead to you thanking them, then killing them violently, making you the archetypal "annihilator".
Which Color Palette Suits Your Personality?
Your Result: Vampire Palette
Quite a dark turn in your personality, I assume. Well, I must be serious to suit this mood, I guess! Please take me seriously as I chant your palette's colors: dark grey, blood red, dark red, and medium grey. I guessed, so not everything is accurate. For that reason, you must visit this website called "Color Hunt." Trust me, it has really bloody colors.